Help UKRAINE ! Your action matters! Donate to support Ukrainian Army! Donate to charity funds! Organize/join street protests in your city to support Ukraine and condemn Russian aggression! Expose and report Russian disinformation! #StandWithUkraine


Power Pages Lookup to Select

jQuery library to easily replace Power Pages lookup control with Select2 control

Power Pages Helper extension for VS Code

Extension for VS Code with a set of commands and shortcuts to simplify work with Power Apps CLI for Power Pages

Site Settings & Content Snippets for Power Apps Portals

List of little known and hidden Content Snippets and Site Settings for Power Apps Portals

Attachment Gallery Component

This is PCF component that shows images and pdf from attached notes and also can show note title and note text

Web Form Steps Visualizer Component

Make it easier to work with Web Forms by visualizing your Web Form Steps as a flow chart

Tag Cloud Component

Tag Cloud Dataset component using PowerApps Component Framework, React and Fluent UI

Range Slider Component

Range Slider Component using Powerapps Component Framework

Stock Market Component

Stock Market Update Card using Adaptive Cards and Powerapps Control Framework