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List of all available options for LtS

idFieldNamestringrequiredId field of the table you are fetching data from
textFieldNamestringrequiredPrimary name field of the table you are fetching data from
entitySetNamestringrequired/optionalTable collection name within Web API. Only required if getData or data options are not provided. See more details on how to find it/use it in official Power Pages documentation
targetTableLogicalNamestringrequiredLogical name of your table
minimumInputLengthnumberoptionalThe number of symbols users needs to enter before triggering search functionality
delaynumberoptionalThe number of milliseconds to wait for the user to stop typing before issuing the ajax request
placeholderstringoptionalPlaceholder of the input
getDatafunctionoptionalFunction to fetch necessary options based on the user input. See Data sources for more details
dataarrayoptionalArray of available options. See Data sources for more details
optionRendererfunctionoptionalFunction to specify how the available options should be rendered. See Custom rendering for more details
resultRendererfunctionoptionalFunction to specify how the selected option should be rendered. See Custom rendering for more details
groupByFieldNamestringoptionalThe name of the field that will be used for options grouping. See Custom rendering for more details
groupByTextFieldNamestringoptionalThe name of the field that will be used for displaying the group name. See Custom rendering for more details